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Financial Reporting and Standard Setting Bibliography C-F

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Cadenhead, G. M. 1970. 'Differences in circumstances': Fact or fantasy? Abacus 6(1): 71-80.

Cahan, S. F., A. Rahman and H. Perera. 2005. Global diversification and corporate disclosure. Journal of International Accounting Research 4(1): 73-93.

Calderisi, M. C. and F. M. Stiner Jr. 2010. Reserves: Misleading use of terminology is increasing. The CPA Journal (March): 24-26.

Call, A. C., J. L. Campbell, D. S. Dhaliwal and J. R. Moon Jr. 2017. Employee quality and financial reporting outcomes. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 123-149.

Call, D. V. 1969. Some salient factors often overlooked in stock options. The Accounting Review (October): 711-719.

Callen, J. L. 1987. A medieval controversy about profit and loss allocations. Abacus 23(1): 85-90.

Callen, J. L. 2010. Discussion of 'Analyzing late SEC filings for differential impacts of IS and accounting issues'. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(3): 208-210.

Callen, J. L., J. Livnat and D. Segal. 2006. The information content of SEC filings and information environment: A variance decomposition analysis. The Accounting Review (October): 1017-1043.

Cameron, A. B. and L. Stephens. 1991. The treatment of non-recurring items in the income statement and their consistency with FASB concept statements. Abacus 27(2): 81-96.

Camfferman, K. and S. A. Zeff. 2007. Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of the International Accounting Standards Committee, 1973-2000. Oxford University Press.

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Campbell, A. D. and B. J. Strachan. 2015. Startup costs: Book vs. tax treatment. Journal of Accountancy (November): 55-56, 58-61.

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Campbell, J. E. 1984. An application of protocol analysis to the "Little GAAP" controversy. Accounting, Organizations and Society 9(3-4): 329-342.

Campbell, J. L., J. Hansen, C. A. Simon and J. L. Smith. 2015. Audit committee stock options and financial reporting quality after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 34(2): 91-120.

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Canning, M. and B. O'Dwyer. 2013. The dynamics of a regulatory space realignment: Strategic responses in a local context. Accounting, Organizations and Society 38(3): 169-194.

Canning, M. and B. O'Dwyer. 2016. Institutional work and regulatory change in the accounting profession. Accounting, Organizations and Society (54): 1-21.

Cannizzaro, A. P. and R. J. Weiner. 2015. Multinational investment and voluntary disclosure: Project-level evidence from the petroleum industry. Accounting, Organizations and Society (42): 32-47.

Cao, J., F. Chen and J. L. Higgs. 2016. Late for a very important date: Financial reporting and audit implications of late 10-K filings. Review of Accounting Studies 21(2): 633-671.

Cao, J., T. Calderon, A. Chandra and L. Wang. 2010. Analyzing late SEC filings for differential impacts of IS and accounting issues. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(3): 189-207.

Cao, M., R. Chychyla and T. Stewart. 2015. Big data analytics in financial statement audits. Accounting Horizons (June): 423-429.

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Capps, G., L. Koonce and B. J. White. 2017. Example-based reasoning and fact-weighting guidance in accounting standards. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 582-600.

Capps, G., L. Koonce and K. R. Petroni. 2016. Natural optimism in financial reporting: A state of mind. Accounting Horizons (March): 79-91.

Carcello, J. V. 2009. From crisis to confidence: What is the role of regulation? The CPA Journal (June): 14-15.

Carey, P., B. Potter and G. Tanewski. 2014. Application of the reporting entity concept in Australia. Abacus 50(4): 460-489.

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Carmichael, D. 2019. New litigation and regulatory risks. The CPA Journal (February): 52-55.

Carmichael, D. 2019. Regulators and standards setters. The CPA Journal (February): 34-37.

Carmichael, D. R. 2014. Reflections on the establishment of the PCAOB and its audit standard-setting role. Accounting Horizons (December): 901-915.

Carmichael, D. R. 2019. New revenue recognition guidance and the potential for fraud and abuse: Are companies and auditors ready? The CPA Journal (March): 36-43.

Carmona, S. and M. Trombetta. 2010. The IASB and FASB convergence process and the need for ‘concept-based’ accounting teaching. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(1): 1-5.

Carpenter, B. W. and D. P. Mahoney. 2008. Closing the 'GAAP gap'. The CPA Journal (December): 28-34.

Carpenter, B. W. and D. P. Mahoney. 2011. The convergence project: The matter of financial statement presentation. The CPA Journal (September): 14-21.

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Carpenter, C. G. and R. H. Strawser. 1972. Disclosure of changes in accounting methods. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 209-216.

Carpenter, V. L. and E. H. Feroz. 1992. GAAP as a symbol of legitimacy: New York State's decision to adopt generally accepted accounting principles. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(7): 613-643.

Carpenter, V. L. and E. H. Feroz. 2001. Institutional theory and accounting rule choice: An analysis of four US state governments' decisions to adopt generally accepted accounting principles. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(7-8): 565-596.

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Carter, M. E. and B. S. Soo. 1999. The relevance of Form 8-K reports. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 119-132.

Carter, W. K. 1981. A benefits approach to certain accounting policy choices. The Accounting Review (January): 108-114.

Cascino, S., M. A. Clatworthy, O. Garcia, J. Gassen and S. Imam. 2021. The usefulness of financial accounting information: Evidence from the field. The Accounting Review (November): 73-102.

Casey, C. J. Jr. 1976. The predictive-ability criterion and user prediction models: A comment. The Accounting Review (July): 677-679.

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Causholli, M. 2016. Evidence of organizational learning and organizational forgetting from financial statement audits. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(2): 53-72.

Cazier, R., S. Rego, X. Tian and R. Wilson. 2015. The impact of increased disclosure requirements and the standardization of accounting practices on earnings management through the reserve for income taxes. Review of Accounting Studies 20(1): 436-469.

Cazier, R. A. and R. J. Pfeiffer. 2016. Why are 10-K filings so long? Accounting Horizons (March): 1-21.

Cazier, R. A., K. J. Merkley and J. S. Treu. 2020. When are firms sued for qualitative disclosures? Implications of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements. The Accounting Review (January): 31-55.

Cenker, W. J. and R. Bloom. 2000. The leasing conundrum. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 34-42.

Cha, Y., S. Gill and B. Wong-On-Wing. 2023. Clawback policy enforcement: To disclose or not to disclose. Advances in Accounting (62): 100661.

Chakraborty, I., A. J. Leone, M. Minutti-Meza and M. A. Phillips. 2022. Financial statement complexity and bank lending. The Accounting Review (May): 155-178.

Chakravarthy, J. 2019. Ideological diversity in standard setting. Review of Accounting Studies 24(1): 113-155.

Chahed, Y. 2021. Words and numbers: Financialization and accounting standard-setting in the United Kingdom. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 302-337.

Chalmers, K. and J. M. Godfrey. 2004. Reputation costs: The impetus for voluntary derivative financial instruments reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(2): 95-125.

Chalos, P., J. Cheerian and D. Harris. 1991. Financial disclosure effects on labor contracts: A Nash analysis. Contemporary Accounting Research 7(2): 431-448.

Chambers, D. and C. Finger. 2011. Goodwill non-impairments. The CPA Journal (February): 38-41.

Chambers, D., D. R. Hermanson and J. L. Payne. 2010. Did Sarbanes-Oxley lead to better financial reporting? A survey of recent research. The CPA Journal (September): 24-27.

Chambers, D., T. J. Linsmeier, C. Shakespeare and T. Sougiannis. 2007. An evaluation of SFAS No. 130 comprehensive income disclosures. Review of Accounting Studies 12(4): 557-593.

Chambers, D. J. 2011. Comprehensive income reporting: FASB decides location matters. The CPA Journal (September): 22-25.

Chambers, R. J. 1966. A matter of principle. The Accounting Review (July): 443-457.

Chambers, R. J. 1968. Tax allocation and financial reporting. Abacus 4(2): 99-123.

Chambers, R. J. 1969. The missing link in supervision of the securities market. Abacus 5(1): 16-36.

Chambers, R. J. 1970. Second thoughts on continuously contemporary accounting. Abacus 6(1): 39-55.

Chambers, R. J. 1971. Value to the owner. Abacus 7(1): 62-72.

Chambers, R. J. 1972. Measurement in current accounting practice: A critique. The Accounting Review (July): 488-509.

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Chambers, R. J. 1973. Securities and Obscurities: A Case for Reform of the Law of Company Accountants. Gower Press. See Anderson, D. and R. Leftwich. 1974. Securities and obscurities: A case for reform of the law of company accounts. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 330-340. and Chambers, R. J. 1974. Trial-and error: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 341-347.

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Chambers, R. J. 1981. The search for system in financial calculation. Abacus 17(1): 68-72.

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Chambers, R. J, W. S. Hopwood and J. C. McKeown. 1984. The relevance of varieties of accounting information: A U.S.A. survey. Abacus 20(2): 99-110.

Chamisa, E., M. Mangena, H. H. Pamburai and V. Tauringana. 2018. Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies and the value relevance of accounting amounts: Hard evidence from Zimbabwe. Review of Accounting Studies 23(4): 1241-1273.

Chan, D. K. W. and N. Liu. 2022. Financial reporting, auditing, analyst scrutiny, and investment efficiency. The Accounting Review (September): 163-188.

Chan, L. and K. Hee. 2010. Regulatory and legal implications of stealth restatements. The CPA Journal (December): 64-67.

Chandra, G. and M. N. Greenball. 1977. Management reluctance to disclose: An empirical study. Abacus 13(2): 141-154.

Chandra, U., M. L. Ettredge and M. S. Stone. 2006. Enron-era disclosure of off-balance sheet entities. Accounting Horizons (September): 231-252.

Chaney, P. K. 1985. Defeasance: Financial tool or window dressing? Management Accounting (November): 52-55. (FAS 76).

Chaney, P. K., M. Faccio and D. Parsley. 2011. The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 58-76.

Chang, L. S. and K. S. Most. 1985. The Perceived Usefulness of Financial Statements for Investors' Decisions. University Presses of Florida.

Chang, O. H. and D. R. Nichols. 1991. Should impaired operating assets be written down? Management Accounting (December): 29-32.

Chansog, K., K. Wang and L. Zhang. 2019. Readability of 10 K reports and stock price crash risk. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(2): 1184-1216.

Chaplan, D. H., S. K. Dutta and D. J. Marcinko. 2012. Lehman on the brink of bankruptcy: A case about aggressive application of accounting standards. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 441-459.

Chapman, K. L., N. Reiter, H. D. White and C. D. Williams. 2019. Information overload and disclosure smoothing. Review of Accounting Studies 24(4): 1486-1522.

Chapman, R. E. 1965. A system approach to financial statements. Management Accounting (December): 29-34.

Charles, S. L., S. M. Glover and N. Y. Sharp. 2010. The association between financial reporting risk and audit fees before and after the historic events surrounding SOX. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 29(1): 15-39.

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Chasteen, L. G. 1971. An empirical study of differences in economic circumstances as a justification for alternative inventory pricing methods. The Accounting Review (July): 504-508.

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Chasteen, L. G. and C. D. Dowell. 1983. Teaching alternative income determination models via a classification matrix. Journal of Accounting Education 1(1): 47-53.

Chasteen, L. G. and C. R. Ransom. 2007. Including credit standing in measuring the fair value of liabilities - Let's pass this one to the shareholders. Accounting Horizons (June): 119-135.

Chen, A. and J. J. Gong. 2019. Accounting comparability, financial reporting quality, and the pricing of accruals. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (45): 100415.

Chen, A., J. Gong and R. Lu. 2020. The effect of principles-based standards on financial statement comparability: The case of SFAS-142. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (49): 100474.

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Chen, C. J. P., X. Su and X. Wu. 2009. Forced audit firm change, continued partner-client relationship, and financial reporting quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 28(2): 227-246.

Chen, D., M. Liu, T. Ma and X. Martin. 2017. Accounting quality and trade credit. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-83.

Chen, H., P. Letmathe and N. Soderstron. 2021. Reporting bias and monitoring in clean development mechanism projects. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 7-31.

Chen, J. J. and P. Cheng. 2007. Corporate governance and the harmonisation of Chinese accounting practices with IFRS practices. Corporate Governance: An International Review 15(2): 284-293.

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Fertakis, J. P. 1970. Empirical evidence - A reply. The Accounting Review (July): 509-512.

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Fick, K. F. 2008. Securitized profits: Understanding gain on sale accounting. Journal of Accountancy (May): 54-59. (Securitization is "the process by which loans, consumer installment contracts, leases, receivables, and other relatively illiquid assets with common features are packaged into interest-bearing securities with marketable investment characteristics.").

Fick, K. F. 2010. The value of good corporate disclosure. The CPA Journal (October): 40-42.

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Finney, H. A. 1920. Students' department: Deceptive averages, Common stock, Sinking fund contributions, Changing from stock with par value to no-par stock, Sales cancellations and re-sales, Inventory reserve, Reserves and surplus, Profits on deferred payment sales, Capitalizing preliminary expense, Short method for computing interest on installment notes, Treasury stock, Indiana examinations, Contingent stock donation, Self-balancing ledger. Journal of Accountancy (December): 456-470.

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