Management And Accounting Web

Balanced Scorecard Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abernathy, W. 1997. Balanced scorecards make teamwork a reality. The Journal for Quality and Participation (November/December): 58-59.

Abran, A. and L. Buglione. 2003. A multidimensional performance model for consolidating balanced scorecards. Advances in Engineering Software (34): 339-349.

Albright, T., S. Davis and A. Hibbets. 2001. Tri-Cities community bank: A balanced scorecard case. Strategic Finance (October): 54-59.

Albright, T., S. Davis and A. R. Hibbets. 2009. Tri-Cities Community Bank - A balanced scorecard case. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(1): 1-7.

Albright, T. L., C. A. Gerber and P. Juras. 2014. How Naval Aviation uses the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (October): 20-28.

Alewine, H. C. and T. C. Miller. 2016. How balanced scorecard format and reputation related to environmental objectives influence performance evaluations. Advances in Management Accounting (27): 123-165.

Apgar, D. 2011. Assumption-based metrics: Recipe for success. Strategic Finance (November): 26-33. (Note).

Appelbaum, D., A. Kogan, M. Vasarhelyi and Z. Yan. 2017. Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (25): 29-44. (Summary).

Aranda, C. and J. Arellano. 2010. Consensus and link structure in strategic performance measurement systems: A field study. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 271-299.

Ashton, R. H. 2007. Value-creation models for value-based management: Review, analysis, and research directions. Advances in Management Accounting (16): 1-62. (Models of value creation including the balanced scorecard, the Baldrige quality award criteria, the Deming management method, the service-profit chain, and the Skandia intellectual capital model are compared).

Ax, C. and T. Bjornenak. 2005. Bundling and diffusion of management accounting innovations - The case of the balanced scorecard in Sweden. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-20.

Banker, R. D., H. Chang and M. Pizzini. 2011. The judgmental effects of strategy maps in balanced scorecard performance evaluations. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(4): 259-279.

Banker, R. D., H. Chang, M. J. Pizzini. 2004. The balanced scorecard: Judgmental effects of performance measures linked to strategy. The Accounting Review (January): 1-23.

Barndt, R. J., C. H. McGee and A. J. Cataldo II. 2011. Failure to benchmark: An out-of-balance scorecard at an academic institution. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 49-56.

Beasley, M., A. Chen, K. Nunez and L. Wright. 2006. Working hand in hand: Balanced scorecards and enterprise risk management. Strategic Finance (March): 49-55.

Bedford, D., D. A. Brown, T. Malmi and P. Sivabalan. 2008. Balanced scorecard design and performance impacts: Some Australian evidence. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 17-36.

Behling, O. and J. F. Dillard. 1987. Accounting: The intuitive challenge. Accounting Horizons (June): 35-42. (Very interesting discussion of the rational (analytic or computational) decision model versus the intuitive (judgmental) decision model. The authors provide some recommendations related to a balanced approach involving four decision strategies related to when cause and effect relationships are certain or uncertain. The strategies include: computational, judgmental, compromise, and inspirational).

Beiman, I. 2006. Using the balanced scorecard methodology to execute China strategy. Cost Management (July/August): 9-19.

Bento, A. and L. F. White. 2010. An exploratory study of strategic performance measurement systems. Advances in Management Accounting (18): 1-26.

Bhasin, S. 2008. Lean and performance measurement. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19(5): 670-684. (Recommends using a balanced scorecard).

Bible, L., S. Kerr and M. Zanini. 2006. The balanced scorecard: Here and back. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 18-23.

Biggart, T. B., L. L. Burney, R. Flanagan and J. W. Harden. 2010. Is a balanced scorecard useful in a competitive retail environment? Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 1-12.

Birkett, W. P. 1995. Management accounting and knowledge management. Management Accounting (November): 44-48. (Summary).

Bolt-Lee, C. E. and M. Swain. 2016. Highlights of management accounting research. Journal of Accountancy (December): 50-54.

Boulianne, E. 2006. Empirical analysis of the reliability and validity of balanced scorecard measures and dimensions. Advances in Management Accounting (15): 127-142.

Bourguignon, A., V. Malleret and H. Norreklit. 2004. The American balanced scorecard versus the French tableau de bord: The ideological dimension. Management Accounting Research (June): 107-134.

Bowlin, W. 2013. Performance measurement at Great Persons, Inc.: An application of the balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(1): 1-4.

Bremser, W. G. and L. F. White. 2000. An experiential approach to learning about the balanced scorecard. Journal of Accounting Education 18(3): 241-255.

Bremser, W. G. and W. P. Wagner. 2013. Developing dashboards for performance management. The CPA Journal (July): 62-67.

Brewer, P. 2002. Putting strategy into the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (January): 44-52. (Illustration of the value dynamics framework (VDF) used by Dell).

Brewer, P. C., S. Davis and T. Albright. 2005. Building a successful balanced scorecard program. Cost Management (January/February): 28-37.

Brooks, A., G. Vesty and M. Shackell. 2020. Kilgors Wine Division: A balanced scorecard simulation. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(1): 1-5.

Brown, M. G. 1996. Keeping Score: Using the Right Metrics to Drive World-Class Performance. Productivity Inc.

Brown, M. G. 2000. Winning Score: How to Design and Implement Organizational Scorecards. Productivity Press.

Bryant, L., D. A. Jones and S. K. Widener. 2004. Managing value creation within the firm: An examination of multiple performance measures. Journal of Management Accounting Research (16): 107-131.

Budde, J. 2007. Performance measure congruity and the balanced scorecard. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 515-539.

Burney, L. and Z. Paul. 2008. Financial Services Corporation: Implementing an HR balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-10.

Busco, C. and P. Quattrone. 2015. Exploring how the balanced scorecard engages and unfolds: Articulating the visual power of accounting inscriptions. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 1236-1262.

Bush, P. 2005. Strategic performance management in government: Using the balanced scorecard. Cost Management (May/June): 24-31.

Butler, J. B., S. C. Henderson and C. Raiborn. 2011. Sustainability and the balanced scorecard: Integrating green measures into business reporting. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 1-10.

Campbell, D., S. M. Datar, S. L. Kulp and V. G. Narayanan. 2015. Testing strategy with multiple performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard at Store 24. Sixth Annual JMAR Conference: From Strategy to Outcomes - The Role of Performance Measurement. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(2): 39-65.

Cardinaels, E. and P. M. G. van Veen-Dirks. 2010. Financial versus non-financial information: The impact of information organization and presentation in a balanced scorecard. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(6): 565-578.

Carmona, S., G. Iyer and P. M. J. Reckers. 2011. The impact of strategy communications, incentives and national culture on balanced scorecard implementation. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 27(1): 62-74.

Chan, Y. C. L. and S. J. K. Ho. 2000. Performance measurement and the use of balanced scorecard in Canadian hospitals. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 145-169.

Chan, Y. L. and A. Seaman. 2008. Strategy, structure, performance management, and organizational outcome: Application of balanced scorecard in Canadian health care organizations. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 151-180.

Chang, O. H. and C. W. Chow. 1999. The balanced scorecard: A potential tool for supporting change and continuous improvement in accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 395-412.

Chang, R. Y. and M. W. Morgan. 2000. Performance Scorecards. Jossey-Bass.

Chen, C. C. and K. Jones. 2009. Are employees buying the balanced scorecard? Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 36-44.

Chen, C. X. 2015. Discussion of: Testing strategy with multiple performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard at Store 24. Sixth Annual JMAR Conference: From Strategy to Outcomes - The Role of Performance Measurement. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(2): 67-73.

Chen, Y., J. Jermias and T. Panggabean. 2016. The role of visual attention in the managerial judgment of balanced-scorecard performance evaluation: Insights from using an eye-tracking device. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 113-146.

Chen, Y., Z. Yu and T. W. Lin. 2015. How ZYSCO uses the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (January): 26-36.

Cheng, M. M. and K. A. Humphreys. 2012. The differential improvement effects of the strategy map and scorecard perspectives on managers' strategic judgments. The Accounting Review (May): 899-924.

Cheng, M. M., K. A. Humphreys and Y. Y. Zhang. 2018. The interplay between strategic risk profiles and presentation format on managers' strategic judgments using the balanced scorecard. Accounting, Organizations and Society (70): 92-105.

Chiang, B. 2008. System integration and the balanced scorecard: An empirical study of system integration to facilitate the balanced scorecard in the health care organizations. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 181-201.

Chow, C. W., K. M. Haddad, and J. E. Williamson. 1997. Applying the balanced scorecard to small companies. Management Accounting (August): 21-27. (Summary).

Church, K. S. and R. E. Smith. 2007. An extension of the REA framework to support balanced scorecard information requirements. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-25.

Clinton, A. M. and B. D. Clinton. 2013. Activities to metrics mapping: An aid to applying the balanced scorecard to MFIS. Cost Management (March/April): 30-38.

Clinton, B. D., and H. Ko-Cheng. 1997. JIT and the balanced scorecard: Linking manufacturing control to management control. Management Accounting (September): 18-24. (Summary).

Clinton, B. D., S. Webber and J. M. Hassell. 2002. Implementing the balanced scorecard using the analytic hierarchy process . Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 1-11.

Cokins, G. 2009. Performance Management: Integrating Strategy Execution, Methodologies, Risk and Analytics. John Wiley and Sons.

Committee on Non-Financial Measures of Effectiveness: Report. 1971. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 165-211. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).

Considine, B., M. Lenk, J. P. Krahel and D. Janvrin. 2020. Social media and enterprise risk: A social media risk framework that draws on concepts form the balanced scorecard and COSO's ERM Framework can help companies consider the risks and develop and aligned strategy. Strategic Finance (November): 32-37.

Contino, M. S. 2005. Organizational readiness: Finding the key indicators of performance. Cost Management (September/October): 24-30.

Cooper, D. J., M. Ezzamel and S. Q. Qu. 2017. Popularizing a management accounting idea: The case of the balanced scorecard. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2): 991-1025.

Corrigan, J. 1996. The balanced scorecard: The new approach to performance measurement Australian Accountant (August): 47.

Creelman, J. 1998. Building and Implementing a Balanced Scorecard. London, U. K.: Business Intelligence.

Curtis, C.C. and L.W. Ellis. 1997. Balanced scorecards for new product development. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 12-18.

Datar, S., S. C. Kulp and R. A. Lambert. 2001. Balancing performance measures. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 75-92.

Davis, S. and T. Albright. 2004. An investigation of the effect of balanced scorecard implementation on financial performance. Management Accounting Research (June): 135-153.

DeBusk, G. K. and A. D. Crabtree. 2006. Does the balanced scorecard improve performance? Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 44-48. (Survey).

DeBusk, G. K., R. M. Brown and L. N. Killough. 2003. Components and relative weights in utilization of dashboard measurement systems like the balanced scorecard. The British Accounting Review (35): 215-231.

Dilla, W. N. and P. J. Steinbart. 2005. Relative weighting of common and unique balanced scorecard measures by knowledgeable decision makers. Behavioral Research in Accounting (17): 43-54.

Dilla, W. N. and P. J. Steinbart. 2005. The effects of alternative supplementary display formats on balanced scorecard judgments. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 6(3): 159-176.

Ding, S. and P. Beaulieu. 2011. The role of financial incentives in balanced scorecard-based performance evaluations: Correcting mood congruency biases. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1223-1247.

Ditz, D. J. Ranganathan and R. Banks. 1995. Green Ledgers: Case Studies in Corporate Environmental Accounting. World Resources Institute.

Dror, S. and M. Barad. 2006. Enhancing control charts to validate strategy maps. Quality Technology and quantitative Management (December): 529-541.

Eckerson, W. W. 2010. Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business, 2nd edition. Wiley.

Edwards, J. B. 2001. ERP, balanced scorecard, and IT: How do they fit together? The Journal of corporate Accounting & Finance 12(5): 3-12.

Elijido-Ten, E. 2011. The impact of sustainability and balanced scorecard disclosures on market performance: Evidence from Australia’s top 100. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 59-75.

Emett, S. A. and W. B. Tayler. 2013. Is your strategy evaluation biased? Strategic Finance (November): 26-34.

Epstein, M. J. and J. Manzoni. 1997. The balanced scorecard and tableau de bord: Translating strategy into action. Management Accounting (August): 28-36. (Summary).

Ferreira, A. and D. Otley. 2009. The design and use of performance management systems: An extended framework for analysis. Management Accounting Research (December): 263-282. (Summary).

Feuss, W. J., J. Harmon, J. Wirtenberg and J. Wides. 2004. Linking employees, customers, and financial performance in organizations. Cost Management (January/February): 12-22.

Few, S. 2006. Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data. O'Reilly Media Inc.

Fisher, J. 1992. Use of nonfinancial performance measures. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 31-38.

Fonvielle, W. and L. P. Carr. 2001. Gaining strategic alignment: Making scorecards work. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 4-14. (Summary) .

Forsythe, R., J. A. Bunch and E. J. Burton. 1999. Implementing ABC and the balanced scorecard at a publishing house. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 10-18. (Summary).

Frigo, M. L. 2012. The Balanced Scorecard: 20 years and counting. Strategic Finance (October): 49-53. (Interview with Kaplan and Norton).

Frigo, M. L. and K. R. Krumwiede. 2000. The balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (January): 50-54.

Gjerde, K. A. P. and S. B. Hughes. 2007. Tracking performance: When less is more. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 1-12. (Related to the balanced scorecard).

Green, M., J. Garrity and A. Gumbus. 2002. Pitney Bowes calls for new metrics. Strategic Finance (May): 30-35. (Balanced scorecard).

Grojer, J. 2001. Intangibles and accounting classifications: In search of a classification strategy. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(7-8): 695-713. (Summary).

Grove, H., T. Cook and K. Richter. 2008. Coors balanced scorecard: A decade of experience. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-7.

Gumbus, A. and B. Lyons. 2002. The balanced scorecard at Philips Electronics. Strategic Finance (November): 45-49.

Gumbas, A. and S. D. Johnson. 2003. The balanced scorecard at Futura Industries. Strategic Finance (July): 36-41.

Gumbus, A., B. Lyons and D. E. Bellhouse. 2002. Journey to destination 2005. Strategic Finance (August): 46-50. (Bridgeport Hospital uses a balanced scorecard).

Gumbus, A., B. Lyons and T. Wilson. 2004. Designing a strategy to effectively communicate the balanced scorecard. Cost Management (March/April): 35-38.

Gupta, G. and S. B. Salter. 2018. The balanced scorecard beyond adoption. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(3): 115-134.

Gupta, M. 2012. Balanced scorecard and theory of constraints: A synergistic framework. Cost Management (July/August): 32-42 and 44-47.

Gupta, M. 2015. Toward a balanced scorecard: A TOC/ABC-based synergistic framework (Part I). Cost Management (November/December): 21-29.

Gupta, M. 2016. Toward a balanced scorecard: Application and development of a TOC/ABC-based synergistic framework: Part II. Cost Management (May/June): 15-27.

Gupta, P. 2004. Six Sigma Business Scorecard: Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System. McGraw-Hill.

Hamamura, J. 2019. Unobservable transfer price exceeds marginal cost when the manager is evaluated using a balanced scorecard. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (44): 22-28.

Hatch, T., R. Lawson, W. Stratton and R. Thornton. 2005. Scorecarding in North America Part II: Best practices and implementation at Gulf States Paper Corporation. Cost Management (September/October): 39-47.

Haywood-Sullivan, M. E. and N. V. Stuart. 2016. Does functional experience impair cross-pollination of the balance scorecard? Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 34-44.

Herath, H. S. B., W. G. Bremser and J. G. Birnberg. 2010. Facilitating a team culture: A collaborative balanced scorecard as an open reporting system. Advances in Management Accounting (18): 149-173.

Herath, H. S. B., W. G. Bremser and J. G. Birnberg. 2014. A balanced scorecard strategic initiative planning model with resource constraints. Advances in Management Accounting (24): 1-38.

Hoffecker, J. and C. Goldenberg. 1994. Using the balanced scorecard to develop company-wide performance measures. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 5-17.

Hoque, Z. and W. James. 2000. Linking the balanced scorecard measures to size and market factors: Impact on organizational performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research (12): 1-17. (Summary).

Hornsby, D. D. and S. Baxendale. 2001. Building a balanced scorecard for entrepreneurs. Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 33-38.

Hughes, S. B., C. B. Caldwell, K. A. P aulson Gjerde and P. J. Rouse. 2005. How groups produce higher-quality balanced scorecards than individuals. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 34-44.

Humphreys, K. A. and K. T. Trotman. 2011. The balanced scorecard: The effect of strategy information on performance evaluation judgments. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 81-98.

Humphreys, K. A., M. S. Gary and K. T. Trotman. 2016. Dynamic decision making using the balanced scorecard framework. The Accounting Review (September): 1441-1465.

Iansiti, M. and R. Levien. 2004. Strategy as ecology. Harvard Business Review (March): 68-78. (Summary).

Ismail, T. H. 2007. Performance evaluation measures in the private sector: The Egyptian practice. Managerial Auditing Journal 22(5): 503-513.

Ittner, C. D. and D. F. Larcker. 1998. Innovations in performance measurement: Trends and research implications. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 205-238. (Summary).

Ittner, C. D. and D. F. Larcker. 1998. Are nonfinancial measures leading indicators of financial performance? An analysis of customer satisfaction. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Enhancing the Financial Reporting Model): 1-35.

Ittner, C. D. and D. F. Larcker. 2003. Coming up short on nonfinancial performance measurement. Harvard Business Review (November): 88-95. (Summary).

Ittner, C. D., D. F. Larcker and M. W. Meyer. 2003. Subjectivity and the weighting of performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard. The Accounting Review (July): 725-758. (Note)

Jalbert, T. and S. P. Landry. 2003. Which performance measurement is best for your company? Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 32-41. (Discussion of EVA, tracking stock and balanced scorecard). (Summary).

Jarrar, N. S. and M. Smith. 2011. Product diversification: The need for innovation and the role of a balanced scorecard. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 43-60.

Johnson, E. N., P. M. J. Reckers and G. D. Bartlett. 2014. Influences of timeline and perceived strategy effectiveness on balanced scorecard performance evaluation judgments. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(1): 165-184.

Joseph, G. and A. George. 2005. Merging management accounting with database design. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 34-43.

Journal of Accountancy. 2016. The balanced scorecard: An excerpt from the CGMA book Essential Tools for Management Accountants. Steps and questions to consider. Journal of Accountancy (May): 39-41.

Kang, G. and A. C. Roline. 2012. The contagion effect in performance evaluations in the context of balance scorecards. Advances in Management Accounting (20): 101-124.

Kapanowski, G. 2019. Modern history of the box score: From baseball to business today. Cost Management (May/June): 46-48.

Kaplan, R. S. 1994. Devising a balanced scorecard matched to business strategy. Planning Review (September/October): 15.

Kaplan, R. S. 1994. Management accounting (1984-1994): Development of new practice and theory. Management Accounting Research (September): 247-260.

Kaplan, R. S. 1998. Innovation action research: Creating new management theory and practice. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 89-118. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. 2006. The competitive advantage of management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (18): 127-135. (Kaplan's comments on receiving the AAA Management Accounting Section Lifetime Achievement Award at the MAS January 2006 midyear meeting. It is mainly a defense of ABC and the balanced scorecard).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1992. The balanced scorecard - Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 71-79. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1993. Putting the balanced scorecard to work. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 134-147. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 75-85. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. Strategic learning & the balanced scorecard. Strategy & Leadership (September-October): 18.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. The balanced scorecard is more than just a new measurement system. Harvard Business Review (May/June): . (I may have the incorrect date).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. Linking the balanced scorecard to strategy. California Management Review (Fall): 53-79.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. Knowing the score. Financial Executive (November/December): 30-33

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1997. Why does business need a balanced scorecard? Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 5-10. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2000. Having trouble with your strategy? Then map it. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 167-176. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2001. Transforming the balanced scorecard from performance measurement to strategic management: Part I. Accounting Horizons (March): 87-104. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2001. Transforming the balanced scorecard from performance measurement to strategic management: Part II. Accounting Horizons (June): 147-160. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2001. The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2004. Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets. Harvard Business Review (February): 52-63. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2004. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes. Harvard Business School Press.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. R. Norton. 2005. The balanced scorecard: Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 172-180. (Reprint of their 1992 article). (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2005. The office of strategy management. Harvard Business Review (October): 72-80.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2005. The office of strategy management. Strategic Finance (October): 8, 10, 59-60.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2006. Alignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies. Harvard Business School Press.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2006. How to implement new strategy without disrupting your organization. Harvard Business Review (March): 100-109.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2008. Mastering the management system. Harvard Business Review (January): 62-77.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2008. The Execution Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage. Harvard Business School Press.

Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2012. The future of the balanced scorecard. CGMA Magazine (Inaugural issue): 32-34.

Kaplan, R. S., D. P. Norton and B. Rugelsjoen. 2010. Managing alliances with the balanced scorecard. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 114-120.

Kaplan, S. E. and P. S. Wisner. 2009. The judgmental effects of management communications and a fifth balanced scorecard category on performance evaluation. Behavioral Research In Accounting 21(2): 37-56.

Kaplan, S. E., M. J. Petersen and J. A. Samuels. 2012. An examination of the effect of positive and negative performance on the relative weighting of strategically and non-strategically linked balanced scorecard measures. Behavioral Research In Accounting 24(2): 133-151.

Kasurinen, T. 2002. Exploring management accounting change: The case of balanced scorecard implementation. Management Accounting Research (September): 323-343.

Kay, M. 2006. The BPM convergence. Strategic Finance (September): 51-55. (Related to the convergence of balanced scorecard and OLAP).

Keegan, D. P. and S. W. Pesci. 1994. Why not reengineer the management process itself? Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 63-70.

Kershaw, R. and S. Kershaw. 2001. Developing a balanced scorecard to implement strategy at St. Elsewhere Hospital. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 28-35.

Keyes, J. 2010. Implementing the Project Management Balanced Scorecard. CRC Press; Har/Com Edition.

Kim, W. C. and R. Mauborgne. 2002. Charting your company's future. Harvard Business Review (June): 77-83.

Kohlmeyer, J. M. III. and J. A. Samuels. 2017. Rebecca's coffee and Tea House: A strategic mapping and balance scorecard case study. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 73-81.

Kraus, K. and J. Lind. 2010. The impact of the corporate balanced scorecard on corporate control - A research note. Management Accounting Research (December): 265-277. (Corporate control was financially focused in all fifteen large Swedish multinational companies surveyed despite more than half instituting the balanced scorecard at the corporate level. Reasons given for the emphasis on financial results were 1. the importance of simplicity and comparability and 2. growing capital market pressure).

Kruis, A., R. F. Spekle and S. K. Widener. 2016. The levers of control framework: An exploratory analysis of balance. Management Accounting Research (September): 27-44.

Krumwiede, K. R., M. R. Swain, T. A. Thornock and D. L. Eggett. 2013. The effects of task outcome feedback and broad domain evaluation experience on the use of unique scorecard measures. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(2): 205-217.

Kurtzman, J. 1997. Is your company off course? Now you can find out why. Fortune (February 17): 128-130. (Summary).

Lambert, R. A. 1998. Customer satisfaction and future financial performance discussion of are nonfinancial measures leading indicators of financial performance? An analysis of customer satisfaction. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Enhancing the Financial Reporting Model): 37-46.

Lawson, R., W. Stratton and T. Hatch. 2005. Scorecarding in North America: Moving toward a best-practices framework. Cost Management (July/August): 25-34.

Lawson, R., W. Stratton and T. Hatch. 2006. Scorecarding goes global. Strategic Finance (March): 35-41. (Survey).

Lev, B. 2004. Sharpening the intangibles edge. Harvard Business Review (June): 109-116.

Libby, T., S. E. Salterio and A. Webb. 2004. The balanced scorecard: The effects of assurance and process accountability on managerial judgment. The Accounting Review (October): 1075-1118.

Liedtka, S. L. 2005. Analytic hierarchy process and multi-criteria performance management systems. Cost Management (November/December): 30-38.

Liedtka, S. L., B. K. Church and M. R. Ray. 2008. Performance variability, ambiguity intolerance, and balanced scorecard-based performance assessments. Behavioral Research In Accounting 20(2): 73-88.

Lillis, A. M. 2002. Managing multiple dimensions of manufacturing performance - An exploratory study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(6): 497-529.

Lingle, J. H. and W. A. Schiemann. 1996. From balanced scorecard to strategic gauges: Is measurement worth it? Management Review (March): 56-61.

Lipe, M. and S. Salterio. 2000. The balanced scorecard: Judgmental effects of common and unique performance measures. The Accounting Review (July): 283-298. (Summary).

Lipe, M. G. and S. Salterio. 2002. A note on the judgmental effects of the balanced scorecard's information organization. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(6): 531-540. (Summary).

Luft, J. 2009. Nonfinancial information and accounting: A reconsideration of benefits and challenges. Accounting Horizons (September): 307-325.

Lyons, B. and A. Gumbus. 2004. How Unilever HPC-NA sold its employees on the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (April): 40-44.

Lyons, B., A. Gumbus and D. E. Bellhouse. 2003. Aligning capital investment decisions with the balanced scorecard. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 34-38. (Summary).

Maisel, C. S. 1992. Performance measurement: The balance scorecard approach. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 47-52.

Malina, M. A. and F. H. Selto. 2001. Communicating and controlling strategy: An empirical study of the effectiveness of the balance scorecard. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 47-90.

Malina, M. A. and F. H. Selto. 2004. Choice and change of measures in performance measurement models. Management Accounting Research (December): 441-469.

Malmi, T. 2001. Balanced scorecards in Finnish companies: A research note. Management Accounting Research (June): 207-220.

Marquez-Ramos, L. and J. A. Aparisi-Caudeli. 2013. The impact of management accounting systems on international markets: Theory and evidence using the balanced scorecard approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 5-28.

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Balanced scorecard concepts. Management And Accounting Web. (Summary).

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Simon's levers or control in relation to the balanced scorecard. Management And Accounting Web. Simon'sLeversofControl

Martinsons, M., R. Davison and D. Tse. 1999. The balanced scorecard: A foundation for the strategic management of information systems. Decision Support Systems (25): 71-88. (Summary).

Mauboussin, M. J. 2012. The true measure of success: Most companies use the wrong performance metrics. Don't be on of them. Harvard Business Review (October): 46-56. (Define your governing objective, Develop a theory of cause and effect to assess presumed drivers of the objective, Identify the specific activities that employees can do to help achieve the governing objective. Evaluate your statistics).

McKenzie, F. C. and M. D. Shilling. 1998. Avoiding performance measurement traps: Ensuring effective incentive design and implementation. Compensation and Benefits Review (July/August): 57-64.

McNair, C. J. and T. Watts. 2009. The integration of balanced scorecard models. Cost Management (September/October): 5-12.

McNelis, L. K. and G. Whitsett. 2003. The visual scorecard . Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 17-21.

McVeigh, W., M. Franklin and V. Crocker. 2019. Navigating the hazards of your strategic journey. Employee engagement, company growth, and market position can all improve by incorporating the journey checkpoints of the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (May): 50-58.

McWhorter, L. B. 2003. Does the balanced scorecard reduce information overload? Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 23-27.

Milano, G. V. 2013. Keeping score on growth: Performance scorecards that include a company's reinvestment rate and reinvestment effectiveness can complement profit and return measures. CFO (April): 30-31.

Mintchik, N. and J. Blaskovich. 2008. Manipulating the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (July): 52-53. (A teaching case).

Mintzberg, H. and L. Van der Heyden. 1999. Organigraphs: Drawing how companies really work. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 87-94. (Summary).

Missroon, A. M. 1998. Automating the balanced scorecard methodology. Midrange Systems (November 30): 44.

Mistry, J. J. 2004. Comparison of the balanced scorecard perspectives for ecommerce companies. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 6(2): 79-99.

Moore, C., B. J. Rowe and S. K. Widener. 2001. HCS: Designing a balanced scorecard in a knowledge-based firm. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 569- 601.

Nagumo, T. and B. S. Donion. 2006. Integrating the balance scorecard and the COSO ERM frameworks. Cost Management (July/August): 20-30.

Nathan, K. and S. Pelfrey. 2004. Strong medicine for failing hospitals: A balanced scorecard approach. Cost Management (January/February): 24-30.

Nielsen, S. 2015. The impact of business analytics on management accounting.

Nielsen, S., E. H. Nielsen, A. Jacobsen and L. Bjern Pedersen. 2014. Management accounting and business analytics: An example of system dynamics modelling's use in the design of a balanced scorecard. Danish Journal of Management & Business 78(3-4): 31-44.

Niven, P. R. 2001. Examining the endurance of the balanced scorecard. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 18-24.

Niven, P. R. 2008. Balanced Scorecard: Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies. Wiley.

Norreklit, H. 2000. The balance on the balanced scorecard a critical analysis of some of its assumptions. Management Accounting Research (March): 65-88. (Norreklit criticizes the assumptions underlying the balanced scorecard).

Norreklit, H. 2003. The balanced scorecard: What is the score? A rhetorical analysis of the balanced scorecard. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(6): 591-619. (Summary).

Paladino, B. 2007. Five Key Principles of Corporate Performance Management. John Wiley and Sons.

Paladino, B. 2007. 5 key principles of corporate performance management: How do Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame, Malcolm Baldrige, Sterling, Fortune 100, APQC, and Forbes award winners drive value? Strategic Finance (June): 39-45. (Note).

Paladino, B. 2007. 5 key principles of corporate performance management: Successful companies plan, communicate, and manage strategy well. Strategic Finance (July): 33-41.

Paladino, B. 2007. 5 key principles of corporate performance management: Award-winning companies use them to improve their performance and manage and leverage knowledge for success. Strategic Finance (August): 39-45.

Paladino, B. 2010. Innovative Corporate Performance Management: Five Key Principles to Accelerate Results. John Wiley and Sons.

Paladino, R. E. 2005. Balanced forecasts drive value. Strategic Finance (January): 37-42. (Balanced scorecard).

Person, R. 2008. Balanced Scorecards and Operational Dashboards with Microsoft Excel. Wiley.

Pforsich, H. 2005. Does your scorecard need a workshop? Strategic Finance (February): 30-35.

Pineno, C. J. 2004. Balanced scorecard applications: A survey and comparison of the manufactured homes industry and motor homes industries. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 21-28.

Pineno, C. J. and C. R. Cristini. 2003. The balanced scorecard: A vision report card. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 28-40.

Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. 1996. What is a strategy? Harvard Business Review (November-December): 61-78. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. 2001. Strategy and the internet. Harvard Business Review (March): 63-78.

Preda, P. and T. Watts. 2004. Contemporary accounting innovations in Australia: Manufacturing versus service organizations. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 17-28. (The innovations include: Value-based management, total quality management, balanced scorecard, activity-based costing, and activity-based management).

Qu, S. Q. and D. J. Cooper. 2011. The role of inscriptions in producing a balanced scorecard. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(6): 344-362.

Rasmussen, N. H., M. Bansal and C. Y. Chen. 2009. Business Dashboards: A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment. Wiley.

Reilly, G. P. and R. R. Reilly. 2000. Using a measure network to understand and deliver value. Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 5-14. (Summary). (These authors discuss some limitations and problems associated with the balanced scorecard, and recommend a measure network as the solution).

Ridgway, V. F. 1956. Dysfunctional consequences of performance measurements. Administrative Science Quarterly (September): 240-247. (Summary).

Roberts, M. L., T. L. Albright and A. R. Hibbets. Debiasing balanced scorecard evaluations. 2004. Behavioral Research in Accounting (16):75-88.

Rotaru, K., D. D. Fehrenbacher, M. H. Liang and A. K. D. Schulz. 2020. Causal inference in judgment using the balanced scorecard. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(2): 201-224.

Ruhl, J. M. 1997. The balanced scorecard and benchmarking videos. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 52-56. (Reviews of Kaplan and Norton's The Balanced Scorecard and three benchmarking videos).

Rucci, A. J., S. P. Kirn and R. T. Quinn. 1998. The employee-customer-profit chain at Sears. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 82-97. (Summary).

Schneiderman, A. M. 2001. The first balanced scorecard: Analog Devices, 1986-1988. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 16-26.

Schonberger, R. J. 2008. Lean performance management (Metrics don't add up). Cost Management (January/February): 5-10. (Note: Schonberger criticizes the KPI or scorecard approach from the lean enterprise perspective. Summary).

Searcy, D. L. 2004. Aligning the balanced scorecard and a firm's strategy using the analytic hierarchy process. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 1-10.

Segarra, M. 2012. Dashboards can now gauge more data. CFO (January/February): 33-34.

Sergeant, A. and P. Ratliff-Miller. 2012. Alliance Healthcare Network: Using a balanced scorecard to motivate change. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(3): 1-6.

Sharma, U. and Z. Hoque. 2001. Implementing the balanced scorecard in government: The housing authority of Fiji. Journal of Cost Management (July/March): 37-41.

Sheehan, N. T. and G. P. Kobussen. 2020. Using the balanced scorecard to assess and enhance Magna PC's performance. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-2.

Shenkir, W. G. and P. L. Walker. 2006. Enterprise risk management and the strategy-risk-focused organization. Cost Management (May/June): 32-38. (Summary).

Silk, S. 1998. Automating the balanced scorecard. Management Accounting (May): 38-40, 42-44. (Summary).

Skyrme , D. J. and D. M. Amidon. 1998. New measures of success. The Journal of Business Strategy (January/February): 20-24.

Smith, M. 1997. Innovation drivers for competitive advantage. Management Accounting (August): 34-35.

Smith, M. 1998. Measuring organisational effectiveness. Management Accounting (October): 34-36.

Smith, S. H. 2017. Northern State University: A balanced scorecard strategy map. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(1): 1-11.

Sorensen, D. 2003. The value market. Strategic Finance (July): 43-49. (Related to integrated management system software, ABC, balanced scorecard, and budgeting).

Speckbacher, G., J. Bischof and T. Pfeiffer. 2003. A descriptive analysis of the implementation of balanced scorecards in German-speaking countries. Management Accounting Research (December): 361-388.

Stejskal, K., N. Sayed and C. Lento. 2020. Mapping stakeholder expectations of a publicly funded post-secondary institution: A balanced scorecard perspective. Accounting and the Public Interest (20): 104-137.

Stratton, W., R. Lawson and T. Hatch. 2004. Scorecarding as a management coordination and control system. Cost Management (May/June): 36-42.

Stivers, B. P., T. J. Covin, N. G. Hall and S. W. Smalt. 1998. How nonfinancial performance measures are used. Management Accounting (February): 44, 46-49. (Summary).

Surysekar, K. 2003. A note on the interaction effects of non-financial measures of performance. Management Accounting Research (December): 409-417.

Stenzel, C. and J. Stenzel. 2003. From Cost to Performance Management. John Wiley and Sons.

Stroh, P. 2014. The evolving role of business strategist. Strategic Finance (March): 26-33.

Tatikonda, L. U. and R. J. Tatikonda. 1998. We need dynamic performance measures. Management Accounting (September): 49-53. (Summary).

Tayler, W. B. 2010. The balanced scorecard as a strategy-evaluation tool: The effects of implementation involvement and a causal-chain focus. The Accounting Review (May): 1095-1117.

Theriou, N. G., G. N. Theriou and A. Papadopoulos. 2007. Integrating the balanced scorecard and activity-based costing. Cost Management (May/June): 42-48.

Thomson, J. C. 2016. Bob Kaplan, distinguished advocate. Strategic Finance (August): 25-27.

Ulrich, D. and N. Smallwood. 2004. Capitalizing on capabilities. Harvard Business Review (June): 119-127.

Upton, D. R. 2012. Experimental balanced scorecard research: Implications for practitioners. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 25-31.

Van de Vliet, A. 1997. The new balancing act. Management Today (July): 78-80.

Van der Heijden, H. 2013. Evaluating dual performance measures on information dashboards: Effects of anchoring and presentation format. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 21-34.

Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and E. G. J. Vosselman. 2004. The balanced scorecard: Adoption and application. Advances in Management Accounting (12): 287-310.

Vesty, G. and A. Brooks. 2017. St George Hospital: Flexible budgeting, volume variance, and balanced scorecard performance measurement. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 103-116.

Weinstein, L. 2009. Achieving top quality: How and why to integrate the Baldrige criteria and the balanced scorecard processes. Strategic Finance (November): 46-51.

Venkatesh, R., A. Fredin and J. Riley. 2019. Pikesville Lightning (B): Evaluating new initiatives via strategy mapping and the balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(1): 1-5.

Whitaker, D. A. 2001. Mapping the balanced scorecard to the Baldrige and president's quality criteria. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 25-29.

Wiersma, E. 2009. For which purposes do managers use balanced scorecards?: An empirical study. Management Accounting Research (December): 239-251.

Williams, S. 2008. Power combination. Strategic Finance (May): 26-35. (The balanced scorecard and business intelligence).

Willyerd, K. A. 1997. Balancing your evaluation act. Training (March): 52-58.

Wong-On-Wing, B., L. Guo, W. Li and D. Yang. 2007. Reducing conflict in balance scorecard evaluations. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32(4-5): 363-377.

Yang, J. M. 1927. The valuation of intangibles. The Accounting Review (September): 223-231.

Yigitbasioglu, O. M. and O. Velcu. 2012. A review of dashboards in performance management: Implications for design and research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(1): 41-59.

Yu, L., S. Perera and S. Crowe. 2008. Effectiveness of the balanced scorecard: The impact of strategy and causal links. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 37-55.

Zadrozny, W. 2006. Leveraging the power of intangible assets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 85-89.